1. Who are you?
My name is Harvard Wang. If you are making mental jokes of my name, you’re not as funny as you think. I’m supposedly a wedding photographer, but my tax accountant says it’s easier if we report my occupation as an art director. I also shoot for restaurants, editorial magazines, and architects. And I also managed to convince a local media agency that I’m a ramen writer. http://www.facebook.com/
2. Where are you now?
Cold, winter Melbourne.
3. What do you do when you’re not travelling?
Work? Pay rent? LOL I read, watch TV, cook, shop online.
4. What was the last piece of music you listened to?
Koinodaiaru 6700 by Finger Five.
5. Tell us briefly the travel story you shared in LOST.
In Issue Two, I wrote about my experience with my Japanese family-in-law who lives in the west suburban area of Fukuoka. It is my biggest and longest art project to date. I actually have to marry my wife to come up with the stories.
6. What do you love about travel?
I get to spend guilt-free money on things I don’t usually consider spending money on.
7. What do you hate about travel?
Airports. Customs. Transit. TOURISTS.
8. Do you like to travel alone or with people? Why?
On paper I think I like to travel alone. But it gets lonely and I just end up stuck in a bookstore most of the time. Travelling with company forces me to accept different experiences but eventually I’ll get annoyed by them (even my wife) so the answer is a good mixture of both.
9. What do you think about during travel?
Exchange rates, what’s for dinner, where’s WIFI and if my luggage exceeds the weight limit.
10. Any future travel plans?
Not exactly travel, but shooting a wedding in Kuala Lumpur next month. And then most likely another trip to Fukuoka again by the end of the year.