1. 你是誰?
2. 你現在在哪?
現在在上海的一間 cafe 裏。
3. 你不在旅行時平常會做什麽?
現在做一些 Freelance,品牌策劃營銷,還有拍攝等等,喜歡做創意類的工作。 不工作又不旅行的時候,大概和所有人差不多吧,看書聽音樂或者看看新的展覽和space。
4. 你最後聽的一首歌是什麽?
The Strokes《Welcome to Japan》。
5. 用一段話,簡單地告訴我們你在《LOST》分享的個人旅行故事。
算是一種緣分吧,我的故事是 LOST 創刊號的第一篇故事,哈哈哈。那次分享的是我去尼泊爾旅行的故事,我雖然很愛旅行,但其實很少寫任何心得或者攻略,似乎是旅行中的心情也就留在那個地方一樣。那個時候我正好剛剛開始用膠片拍攝,Nelson 看到我拍攝的照片,就邀請我分享那次旅程,而尼泊爾也的確在我所有去過的地方中,有它獨一無二的地方,簡單地說,那次旅行讓我知道了一個更加自由的自己。
6. 旅行最讓你喜歡的是什麽?
7. 旅行最讓你討厭的是什麽?
疲憊吧,我基本上都是一個人旅行,雖然有 exciting 的地方,但每次都要自己處理旅行中大大小小的事情,還是會覺得挺累,哈哈。
8. 你喜歡獨自旅行還是跟朋友一起?為什麽?
通常都是獨自旅行,一個是因為我的旅行都很隨性很臨時,所以很難約朋友,大家都很多工作很少假期。 還有就是旅行中的我會太放飛自我,哈哈,一個人會更自在,也會讓我更願意交新朋友。
9. 旅行時經常會想到什麽?
10. 接下來有什麽旅行的打算嗎?
我正在定去曼谷的機票,只是四天的 getaway,但已經7年沒有去曼谷了,所以還挺興奮。另外12月可能回去非洲!!非常期待!
1. Who are you?
I am Wing. Haha.
2. Where are you now?
I am at a cafe in Shanghai.
3. What do you do when you’re not travelling?
I working on some freelance jobs now, such as brand strategy or photography; in general I like to work on creative jobs. When I’m not working or traveling, I’m probably like everyone else: I read, listen to music or check out new exhibitions or spaces.
4. What was the last piece of music you listened to?
“Welcome to Japan” by The Strokes.
5. Tell us briefly the travel story you shared in LOST.
I think it was fate that my story was the first story in the first issue of LOST, haha. That story was about my trip to Nepal. Even though I love to travel, I rarely write about my experiences or any sort of travel guide. It’s as though I always leave my heart behind in those places. That time, I had just started using film to take photographs, and when Nelson (our Founding Editor) saw the photos I had taken from Nepal, he invited me to share this trip in the magazine. Nepal was definitely special compared to all the places I had been, simply put, that trip made me discover a freer version of myself.
6. What do you love about travel?
Accidents, and revealing a hidden side of myself.
7. What do you hate about travel?
Exhaustion. I mostly travel by myself, and even though it’s exciting, it can get a little tiring dealing with everything on my own.
8. Do you like to travel alone or with people? Why?
I mostly travel alone, because most of my travels are very random and impromptu, and so it’s hard to go with friends because they have a lot of work and very little leave. Also, I really let go when I travel, haha, and so I feel free being alone, and it also allows me to make new friends.
9. What do you think about during travel?
Something different every time.
10. Any future travel plans?
I’m booking flights to Bangkok, just a four-day getaway. I haven’t been to Bangkok in 7 years, so I’m quite excited. Also, I might be going to Africa in December, I’m really looking forward to it!!