有没有想听《JALAN-JALAN》背后的故事和关于绘本的创作过程?为了让更多人知道这本绘本的出发点,我们上周日 1月16日 和 LALA COMPANY 一起主办了《JALAN-JALAN》的分享会,地点就在在上海前滩太古里的 CONTACT共享空间。

现场由我们 LOST杂志的主编 Nelson Ng, LALA COMPANY 的创始人 Radio Woon 和 LALA COMPANY 的合伙人 Vivian Chen 一起做分享。当天分享的内容包括了 “Jalan-Jalan”这句话的来源以及它给到的启发、插画的创作过程和思路、赤脚背包客的声音,以及绘本的结构和形式。整个分享的时间有差不多一个半小时,而分享的过程中天也逐渐变黑了,最后半个小时也有问题回答的环节。感谢所有报名来活动的朋友们,也感谢 CONTACT 让我们能在这么漂亮的空间做分享!

Ever thought of listening to the story and creative process behind “Jalan-Jalan”? Last Sunday January 16th, we organised a “Jalan-Jalan” sharing event with LALA COMPANY at the CONTACT co-working space in Shanghai Qiantan Taikoo Li to let more people know about why and how we began the project.

Speaking at the event was LOST’s Editor-in-Chief Nelson Ng, LALA COMPANY’s founder and artist Radio Woon, and also LALA COMPANY’s partner Vivian Chen. The sharing included the origin of the word “Jalan-Jalan” and how it inspired the book, to the creative and illustration process, the voice of the barefoot backpacker, and the structure and form of the final book. The entire session lasted over one and a half hours, as the sky gradually turned dark during the event, and we had a short question and answer session in the last half hour. A big thank you to everyone who came by to the event, and also to CONTACT for letting us hold this event in such a beautiful space!