In unknown territories, the usual rules don’t apply. You can get lost and never be heard from again, or you can be the first to find a new plateau and gaze upon the world in an unprecedented way. Independent magazines are all about leaving those well-trodden paths; they are about experiments in design and content, and finding ways to tell the stories that matter. This year’s Indiecon explores the realm of a do-it culture. It’s about the challenge of creativity in rapid publishing processes and about mapping ways to make a publication feasible. Together, we try to understand how pioneer projects evolve into communities of makers and readers. Join the discussion at Indiecon 2016.
We were super honored to be invited as a guest keynote speaker amongst other great indie publications such as Benji Knewman, The Gentlewoman, Stack, and The Lifted Brow! It was an intense 2-day event filled with talks back to back, which ended with Indiemag Day on the third day, a cool and fun sort of indie book fair filled with music and beer!!
Big thanks to Die Brueder for organizing this, check out their blog entry about the event here (in German):