1. 你是誰?

2. 你現在在哪?

3. 你不在旅行時平常會做什麽?

4. 你最後聽的一首歌是什麽?
Scarlett Johansson 的 The Moon Song。

5. 用一段話,簡單地告訴我們你在《LOST》分享的個人旅行故事。

6. 旅行最讓你喜歡的是什麽?

7. 旅行最讓你討厭的是什麽?

8. 你喜歡獨自旅行還是跟朋友一起?為什麽?

9. 旅行時經常會想到什麽?
某個電影、某個小說的片斷。比如,去年在德州公路旅行時,不斷跳進腦子裏的就是《Paris Texas》裏空曠的沙漠和望不到邊的地平線。

10. 接下來有什麽旅行的打算嗎?

1. Who are you?
Shanshan Quan (Sanpig).

2. Where are you now?

3. What do you do when you’re not travelling?
Planning for the next trip, and of course, having a good time.

4. What was the last piece of music you listened to?
“The Moon Song” by Scarlett Johansson.

5. Tell us briefly the travel story you shared in LOST.
Ah, that was a story from many years ago when I took the train alone in Vietnam…Maybe it’s better to share a new travel story now, haha.

6. What do you love about travel?
Collecting different life experiences.

7. What do you hate about travel?
That moment when the trip ends…

8. Do you like to travel alone or with people? Why?
When I was in my early twenties I liked to travel alone, now I prefer to travel with my friends or family. How we feel and what we want from travel are different at every stage of our lives.

9. What do you think about during travel?
Scenes from a random movie or novel. For example, when I was doing a road-trip in Texas last year, I couldn’t stop thinking about the open desert and the endless horizon from the movie “Paris Texas”.

10. Any future travel plans?
Too many plans…I hope to go camping in Northern Europe during summer…