1. 告訴我們關於你自己,你的民宿,你是誰,還有你從哪裏來!
“白日拾堂” 是我們民宿的名字,請一定記住它! 目前白日拾堂所有視覺部分由我來負責(室內外設計、軟裝、平面設計等),偶爾也會策劃一些與品牌相關的跨界合作。
2. 在開民宿之前,你在做什麼?
3. 是什麼讓你決定開民宿?告訴我們一切的開始!
4. 是否能跟我們介紹民宿的空間?(房間,床,設備,共享區,等)
5. 為什麼會選擇在這些地點開民宿?周圍有什麼特別的嗎?
6. 平常來住你們民宿有哪些人?
年輕人(笑 )。 其實都是對生活質感有些要求的有獨立思維的做著有趣工作的人,也有一些對新奇事物躍躍欲試的大學生。
7. 民宿開了多長時間?在這段時間裏領悟到了什麼?
到這個月底就一年整啦(慶祝✌️)。專業上的技能有了很大的提升,越來越明白如何做好服務,怎麽能讓對方既看得到美觀享受,又感受到舒適、安心。自己的話,在過程中抗壓能力越來越強了 hhh,體會並成長為寬容的心。很多事情在並不了解的情況下不會再妄下定義,而是去了解或接受這個世界的多樣性。“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, be kind, always.”
8. 是什麼讓你一直堅持做民宿?
9. 做民宿是希望達到什麼願望嗎?
10. 對民宿的將來,你會有什麼打算?
現在在準備杭州綜合性空間的前期工作,目前在設計裝修的階段 ,將來可能會考慮做更多這樣的多樣性空間,民宿只是其中一部分項目,期待通過我們的空間探索更加多樣性的舒適自然的設計和結成有趣的跨界合作。
When we travel to unfamiliar places, we are always indebted to the people who provide us with a place to rest and sleep. Our travels would never be complete without them. But what motivates them to open a hostel or inn to begin with? What is their story? We’ve decided to start a new column where we share the stories behind the hosts and their spaces.
1. Tell us about yourself, your hostel, who you are and where you’re from!
My name is Mo Lijiao, my friends call me Momo. I am a typical hot-blooded Leo—I don’t hesitate to do whatever comes to mind. Once in a while I feel discouraged, but the lovely little things in my daily life help me get back on my feet quickly.
“Baire Shitang” is the name of our hostel, please remember it! Currently, I am in charge of all the visual elements of “Baire Shitang” (interior and outdoor design, furniture and accessories, graphic design, etc.). Sometimes I will work on some cross-branding projects.
2. What were you doing before opening the hostel?
After graduating in 2014, I moved to Shanghai from Dongbei (Northeast China), and chose to work as a graphic designer/illustrator, which was something I really liked. I’ve worked in advertising and digital agencies, and until now I still really like illustrating. I believe this is something I’ll never stop doing for the rest of my life.
3. What made you decide to open a hostel? Tell us how everything began!
Two years ago I had a “hostel dream”, but back then all this felt impossible. But later on, my friends and I travelled together to Japan, discovered the Airbnb platform, and realized it was possible to do this from a small simple room. And so we went back to Shanghai (together with our current two other partners), rented our first old apartment and began renovating it. We posted it online and fortunately, the room was fully booked everyday. We also received a lot of precious feedback, which gave us the motivation to carry on.
4. Can you tell us a bit about the space? (common area, rooms, beds, facilities, shower, etc)
Currently, the five spaces in Shanghai are all independent living spaces (three of which have courtyards), and most of them are set up in the Shanghai loft style (adding a second floor to a tall space). Actually this was a solution that came up in the early years when living spaces were tight to help use space more efficiently. Old Western houses (in Shanghai) are 3 metres tall, so by increasing the use of vertical space, the horizontal space becomes more spacious, and also adds a sense of layers, which makes living all the more fun.
The furnishing in the hostel is mostly a combination of new and old furniture, and they actually fit together better because of their differences. The biggest feature is probably the use of traditional Chinese furniture. The three of us spent a lot of time and effort searching among the many different lanes in Shanghai. Whether it was polishing or repairs, we would do it personally, to let these furniture be unique and let them find a new place where they can belong. Regardless of whether it’s just for my own life or for providing a service to others, I believe it is necessary to repurpose and make the best use of materials, which also brings a good impact on our surroundings.
5. Why did you choose this location? What’s special about this area?
We are quite specific about the choice of location for our hostels, since the style of the hostels requires it to be in certain areas of the city. Our hostels in Shanghai are located within the Former French Concession, an area which has the oldest and newest cultures of Shanghai. This area is filled with historical architecture, but at the same time, it’s also filled with the latest trends in culture from the outside world. This area embraces all sorts of different cultures, and we’re really grateful and in love with this environment.
6. What sort of travellers do you see coming to your hostel?
Young people (laughs). Actually, it’s people who want a better quality of life who think independently and also have interesting jobs, and also some university students who are curious to try new things.
7. How long have you kept the hostel running? What have you learned during this time?
Exactly one year by the end of this month (yea!). We’ve improved so much in our professional skills, become clearer on how to provide good service, learned how to let others enjoy beauty and feel comfortable and peaceful at the same time. Personally, I’ve learned how to better cope with pressure, and to nurture a more embracing heart. I’ve also learned not to jump to conclusions without first having a full understanding of the situation, and to accept the diversity in this world. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, be kind, always.
8. What keeps you motivated to keep the hostel running?
When we see our influence growing slowly, and get encouragement or support from different kinds of people, it gives us a very strong sense of accomplishment. What we are doing, is to provide a nice living experience for someone, which is like giving someone a rose which leaves a fragrance in your hand. This little bit of happiness has the power to keep us going in life.
9. What do you hope to accomplish with the hostel?
Actually, there isn’t really any specific aim that we want to accomplish, I think as long as we get better one step at a time, that’s good enough for us.
10. Any future plans for the hostel?
We are working on an integrated space in Hangzhou, and are still in the design and renovation phase. In future, we might consider working on more spaces like this, where hostels are only one part of our projects, and people can discover other types of natural comforting spaces which might lead to interesting collaborations.