Unknowingly, LOST has been around for about 3 years now, and we’re about to go into our fourth year. Our website began as a very simple site, its main function just to let readers know what the magazine is about and where to get it. Later on, as we had more issues, we added a Shopify site to make it easier for readers to buy different issues. But the website still retained its simplicity, partly because we only added what was needed, and we didn’t think it needed anything else at that time.

Over time, our online content grew. Initially, it was just Facebook posts, such as short travel stories called “Lost In The Moment”, and interviews with travellers called “Meet The Travellers”. Later on, we participated in a series of events and book fairs, and we started realizing that we needed a brand new site to host and share all these content. We needed a site that could be refreshed and updated constantly, almost like a journal, rather than just a static site.

And so a new site for LOST was born.

The biggest addition to the site is the “Journal”, which encompasses all content related to LOST. We’ve included past entries of “Lost In The Moment”, now renamed as “Moments“, and “Meet The Travellers“, and we’ll be updating them with new entries regularly. We’ve also included a section called “Found“, featuring places where our magazines can be found, and also a section called “Events” to find out about the latest or past events that we’ve been a part of.

We hope you like the brand new LOSTMAGAZINE.ORG!

Stay tuned for more exciting content!

不知不觉,LOST杂志也已经办了三年,今年将进入第四年了。LOST杂志的网站刚开始的时候非常简单,为的只是让大家知道杂志到底是什么,还有在哪些地方可以购买。后来我们杂志开始多了,就加了一个Shopify (http://shop.lostmagazine.org/) 的店,方便中国外的朋友购买杂志。但网站仍然还是保持原样,也是因为按照需求一步一步地进化,所以当时就觉得没有什么不好。

但久而久之,我们网上的内容也开始多了。一开始都是在Facebook上随性地发内容,例如一个照片一篇短文的 “Lost In The Moment”,还有让大家认识到旅行者的 “Meet The Travellers”,以及一连串的活动与书展。 后来才意识到,我们的确需要一个全新的网站来收集和分享内容,而且是一个可以一直更新,一直添加内容和故事的网站。刚开始还纠结要不要开微信公众号,最后还是决定好好做一个网站,也方便中国外没有微信的朋友,同时也想它成为比较长远的平台。


也许最重要的部分是 “Journal”(日志),因为它包含了所有LOST杂志日常发生的新闻和故事。我们把之前的两个栏目 “Lost In The Moment”(现在改成”Moments“)和 “Meet The Travellers” 放进去了,而且也会一直更新。此外我们也有 “Found” 的栏目,分享在世界各地能找到LOST杂志的地方,还有 “Events” 的栏目,收集LOST杂志参与的活动信息。

